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    Dr. ANOOP V. S

    Dr. ANOOP V. S

    Dr. ANOOP V. S

    Assistant Professor

    MCA, M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDHE


    He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Cochin University of Science and Technology, India, with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence. His dissertation focused on inferring conceptual graphs and relationship from large unstructured datasets. His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as IEEE Access, Public Health, Expert Systems, and International Journal of Information Management Data Insights. Additionally, he has presented his work at various international conferences and published books, and as chapters in edited books. He has also obtained his postdoctoral fellowship from the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University, Canada. He is a recipient of Responsible Computing Research Grant from Mozilla Foundation and United States Agency for International Development.

    His research interests are in Information Systems and Analytics, particularly in the application of Natural Language Processing and Text Mining techniques applied to interdisciplinary areas such as Healthcare, Social Networks, and Climate Change.

    • Anoop, V. S., Krishnan, T. A., Daud, A., Banjar, A., & Bukhari, A. (2024). Climate Change Sentiment Analysis using Domain Specific Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. IEEE Access.
    • Anoop, V. S., Krishna, C. S., & Govindarajan, U. H. (2024). Graph embedding approaches for social media sentiment analysis with model explanation. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, Elsevier, 4(1), 100221.
    • Sreelakshmi, S., & Anoop, V. S. (2023). A deep convolutional neural network model for medical data classification from computed tomography images. Expert Systems, e13427.
    • Vamshi Kumar Gurram, Sanil J., Anoop, V. S., Asharaf S. (2023) “String kernel-based techniques for native language identification”, Human-Centric Intelligent Systems, Springer.
    • Anoop, V. S., & Sreelakshmi, S. (2023). Public discourse and sentiment during Mpox outbreak: an analysis using natural language processing. Public Health, Elsevier, 218, 114-120
    • Chandran, N. V., Anoop, V. S., & Asharaf, S. (2023). TopicStriKer: A topic kernels-powered approach for text classification. Results in Engineering, Elsevier, 17, 100949.
    • Prakash, R., Anoop, V. S., & Asharaf, S. (2022). Blockchain technology for cybersecurity: A text mining literature analysis. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 2(2), 100112. Elsevier
    • Anoop, V.S., Goldston, J. (2022) Decentralized finance to hybrid finance through blockchain: a case-study of acala and current. Journal of Banking and Financial Technology 6, 109–115. Springer.
    • Jennath, H. S., Anoop, V. S., Asharaf, S., & Saji, G. (2021). ChitChain: a blockchain-based technology framework for trust enablement in decentralized chit funds. CSI Transactions on ICT, 9(4), 215-224. Springer
    • Anoop, V. S., Deepak, P., & Asharaf, S. (2021). A distributional semantics-based information retrieval framework for online social networks. Intelligent Decision Technologies, 15(2), 189-199. IOS Press
    • Jennath, H. S., Anoop, V. S., & Asharaf, S. (2020). Blockchain for healthcare: securing patient data and enabling trusted artificial intelligence, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
    • Akhil, K. K., Rajimol, R., & Anoop, V. S. (2020). Parts-of-Speech tagging for Malayalam using deep learning techniques. International Journal of Information Technology, 12, 741-748. Springer
    • Rajimol, R., & Anoop, V. S. (2020). A framework for named entity recognition for Malayalam—A Comparison of different deep learning architectures. Natural Language Processing Research
    • Anoop, V. S., & Asharaf, S. (2019). Conceptualized phrase clustering with distributed k-means. Intelligent Decision Technologies, 13(2), 153-160. IOS Press
    • Anoop, V. S., & Asharaf, S. (2019). Extracting conceptual relationships and inducing concept lattices from unstructured text. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 28(4), 669-681. De Gruyter
    • Anoop, V. S., & Asharaf, S. (2018). Aspect-oriented sentiment analysis: a topic modeling-powered approach. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 29(1), 1166-1178. De Gruyter
    • Anoop, V. S., & Asharaf, S. (2017). A topic modeling guided approach for semantic knowledge discovery in e-commerce, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
    • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    • Data Mining for Business Intelligence
    • Deep Learning
    • Cloud Computing and Blockchain Technology  


    • Anoop, V. S., Asharaf, S., Goldston, J., & Williams, S. (Eds.). (2022). Blockchain for Industry 4.0: Blockchain for Industry 4.0: Emergence, Challenges, and Opportunities., CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.
    • Anoop, V. S., Suhasini Verma., Usharani Hareesh Govindarajan (Eds.) (2024). Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Applications., CRC Press, Taylor and Francis (Under Production)


    • Mohammed Fawaz J., Anoop, V. S., (2024). Fine-tuning a Domain-specific Large Language Model using Low-Rank Adaptation Technique for Legal AI Applications. Artificial Intelligence in Legal Systems, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis (Accepted)
    • Denil Tom Jaison, Anoop, V. S., (2024). Towards Developing a Voice-enabled Document Question-Answering System using Large Language Model with Retrieval Augmented Generation. Large Language Models and AI: Challenges and Innovations, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis (Accepted)
    • Rafeek R., Anoop, V. S., & Zahid Akthar. (2024). FaceTrack: A Face Recognition-based Real-time Attendance Marking Approach using Haar Cascade and Machine Learning. Artificial Intelligence and Optimization Techniques for Smart Information System Generations, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
    • Anoop, V. S. (2024) Natural Language Processing for Analyzing Public Concerns on Mpox. The intersection of AI and Business Intelligence in Data-Driven Decision-Making. IGI Global
    • Rajeevan, M. S., Anoop, V. S., D. Narayana (2024) The Global Trends and Hotspots of Medical Internet of Things Research – A Bibliometric Analysis During 2004 to 2023. Navigating Cyber-Physical Systems With Cutting-Edge Technologies. IGI Global. 
    • Anoop, V. S., P. N. Meena (2024) Natural Language Processing and Social Media for Mental Health and Well-being: Progress and Challenges. NLP for Business and Organizations: Research and Innovations. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis (Under Revision)
    • Usharani Hareesh Govindarajan & Anoop, V. S. (2024) Immersive and Lifelong Learning Experiences in Metaverse and Web 3.0. Exploring the Metaverse: Challenges and Applications, Elsevier (Accepted for Publication)
    • Sreelakshmi, S., & Anoop, V. S. (2023) Cognitive Computing and Big Data for Digital Health: Past, Present, and the Future. In Era of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 55-66). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
    • Anoop, V. S., & Asharaf, S. (2022). Integrating artificial intelligence and blockchain for enabling a trusted ecosystem for healthcare sector. In Intelligent Healthcare: Infrastructure, Algorithms and Management (pp. 281-295). Springer Nature, Singapore.
    • Anoop, V. S., Adarsh, S., & Asharaf, S. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and the Blockchain in Smart Agriculture: Emergence, Opportunities, and Challenges. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Agriculture Technology (pp. 43-55). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
    • Chandran, N. V., Anoop, V. S., & Asharaf, S. (2022). A Topic Modeling-Guided Framework for Aspect-Oriented Sentiment Analysis on Social Media. In Handbook of Research on Opinion Mining and Text Analytics on Literary Works and Social Media (pp. 132-146). IGI Global.
    • Anoop, V. S. (2021). Text Mining and Natural Language Processing for Health Informatics: Recent Trends and the Way Forward. Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Predicting, Managing, and Monitoring Disease (pp. 111-121). IGI Global.
    • Sreelakshmi, S., & Anoop, V. S. (2021). Prediction of Neurological Disorders Using Visual Saliency: Current Trends and Future Directions. In Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Predicting, Managing, and Monitoring Disease (pp. 1-11). IGI Global.
    • Anoop, V. S., Chandran, N. V., & Asharaf, S. (2021). A meaning-aware information search and retrieval framework for healthcare. In Web Semantics (pp. 165-176). Academic Press, Elsevier.
        • Asharaf, S., Anoop, V. S., & Afzal, A. L. (2016). A framework for meaning-aware product discovery in e-commerce. In Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management (pp. 1386-1398). IGI Global.