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    Dr. Goutam Sutar

    Dr. Goutam Sutar

    Dr. Goutam Sutar

    Associate Professor,
    Dean PGDM Programme

    MSc.(NIT Rourkela), Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)
    Faculty Unique ID: 1-9536335958


    Dr. Sutar is an experienced academic and industry consultant with expertise in Data Analysis for Management, Optimization Techniques, Operations Analytics, and Supply Chain Management. His research focuses on applied optimization and advanced methodologies in supply chain management, contributing to innovative solutions in these critical areas.

    Dr. Sutar has successfully designed and conducted Management Development Programs (MDPs) for renowned organizations, including Hi-Tech Arai, SPIC-Tuticorin, and Accenture, tailoring strategies to enhance operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities.

    • Sutar, G., Arrawatia, R., Dhalmahapatra, K., Garg, A., & Kumar, D. (2023). Performance assessment of Dairy Cooperative Societies (DCSs): an AHP based composite index approach. Annals of Operations Research, 326(2) 751-782. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-022-04916-9 (ABDC-A)
    • Sutar, G., Dhalmahapatra, K., Chaktabarty, C. (2022). Impact of India’s Demonetization Episode on its Equity Markets, Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, DOI: 10.1007/s10690-022-09392-6 (ABDC-C)
    • Sutar, G., Dhalmahapatra, K., & Chakraborty, S. (2022). Coupling Coordination Degree Among Indian Banking and Auto Sectors, DII and FII: An Empirical Investigation. IUP Journal of Applied Economics, 21(4), 43-58. (ABDC-C)
    • Sutar, G., Dhalmahapatra, K., Chaktabarty, C. (2025), Supply chain disruptions, causes, impacts, and resilience strategies till early pandemic: A systematic audit, Managing Sustainable Operations of Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Trends and Future Challenge, Wiley, ISBN 9781394238514, 1394238517. (Book Chapter)
    • Patel, B. S., Samuel, C., & Sutar, G. (2020). Designing of an agility control system: a case of an Indian manufacturing organization. Journal of Modelling in Management.
    • Patel, B. S., Tiwari, A. K., Kumar, M., Samuel, C., & Sutar, G. (2020). Analysis of agile supply chain enablers for an Indian manufacturing organization. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 13(1), 1-27.

    • Data Analysis for Management
    • Management Science & Application,
    • Operations Analytics
    • Supply Chain Management
    Administrative Responsibilities
    • Dean of PGDM Programme
    • Member – PEC Committee


    • Production and Operations Management Society, USA.

    Resource Person

    • MDP Programme for the managers (PAN India) of Accenture Solutions Ltd titled “Manufacturing Processes: Empowering Auto & Mobility Industry with Manufacturing Next”, 25-29 March 2024, TSM Madurai. (As resource person) Topic: Challenges in Automotive Manufacturing and Supply Chain
    • MDP Programme for the managers (PAN India) of Accenture Solutions Ltd titled “Supply Chain Management and Operational Effectiveness”, 16-17 February 2023, TSM Madurai (As resource Person). Topic: Network Design and Optimisation for better planning.
    • MDP for Managers of Hi-Tech Arai Ltd, Madurai, 3,7 May 2022, Venue: Hi-Tech Arai Ltd, Madurai. (As resource Person). Topic: How Hi-Tech Arai can leverage through Business Analytics
    • MDP for Young Managers of SPIC, Tuticorin, January 2020 – February 2022. (As resource person)
    • MDP for Young Managers of SPIC, Tuticorin, 18-27 June 2019. (As resource person)
    • NAAC-Sponsored Workshop on Advanced Statistical Modelling and Analysis, 22-24 February 2019. Venue: Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai, India. (As co-coordinator)
    • Micro econometrics Techniques and Survey Data, June 2018, Amrita centre for Economics & Governance, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala.
    • Quantitative data Analysis for Research Methodology, 22-23 April 2016. (As coordinator and resource person). Venue: Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai, India.
    • 2 Day Hands-on International Workshop on NVIVO 10, collaborated by University of Southern Queensland, Australia, 2 and 3, November 2014. (As co-coordinator). Venue: Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai, India.
    • Sessions on Statistics for Biologist, MHRD Sponsored Winter School, 2016, Thiagarajar College, Madurai, November 2016. (As resource person)
    • Resource Lecture on Stochastic Process in “AICTE sponsored Workshop on Business Analytics techniques for Decision Making”, 23 January – 6 February 2015. (As resource person). Venue: MAM College of Engineering, Trichy, India.