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    Introduction to PGDM Programme

    TSM offers a 2 year PGDM Programme preparing young men and women for rewarding career in any walk of economic or social activity that calls for application of management and/or information technology tools and inputs. TSM seeks to develop young men and women into technically proficient, managerially competent, ethically sensitive and socially responsible professionals.


    Regulations for PGDM Programme

    TSM-PGDM Program is divided into 6 trimesters over 2 years, with a three months summer internship at the end of the first year.

    TSM constantly reviews the design, content and delivery of various courses for their continued relevance and need for updating in the context of changing business environment and management practices. As noted, there is a growing emphasis on project work and case studies as part of the regular courses at the Institute.

    While working on projects sponsored by organizations, students get the opportunity to interact with practicing managers and gain insights into real-world problems.

    Minimum Duration

    The program leading to the Degree of Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) will extend over a period of 2 years comprising of 6 trimesters with 3 trimesters per academic year.

    Maximum Duration

    The candidate shall complete all the passing requirements of the PGDM program within a maximum period of 4 years(12 trimesters),the period be in greckoned from the commencement of the trimester to which the candidate was first admitted.

    Eligibility for Admission to PGDM

    Candidates for admission to the programme leading to the Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) during the 2022-24 session should have passed any Degree examination or any other examination equivalent of a degree recognised by the Association of Indian Universities.

    TSM PGDM Programme

    TSM PGDM programme is a general management programme, with opportunities for functional specialisation. TSM has set a quality policy that emphasizes developing young management graduates, who besides meeting the immediate needs and expectations of the Industry, would also evolve into empowered individuals with an urge for constant and continuous learning and bias for action. The programme comprises of 6 trimesters equally spread over the 2 years, with each trimester of approximately 12 weeks duration.

    I Year

    The first year seeks to build the foundation through a rigorous set of core courses on all major functions such as Marketing, Finance, Operations and Human Resources Management and disciplines such as Economics and Organizational Behaviour. A broad perspective of the industrial environment is presented and a sound foundation is laid for advanced and more specialized learning in the second year. The scheduling of various courses through the 3 trimesters is done by balancing the academic logic and learning difficulties from the student perspective.

    At the end of the first year, students are required to undergo an internship for 6-8 weeks duration in an organization, working on a project relating to any functional area. The objective is to help students gain insights into the actual working of an organization, its structure, systems and processes and apply the learned tools and techniques in solving real world problems in an organizational setting.

    II year