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    Published Research Papers


    Dr. Murali Sambasivan

    For being listed in the TOP 2 Percentile of the Most influential Scientists in the world as published by the Stanford University, USA


    Dr. K. Mathiyazhagan

    For being listed in the TOP 2 Percentile of the Most influential Scientists in the world as published by the Stanford University, USA


    Best Paper of the Track Award – Winner: Faculty Feats!

    Dr. Sivapragasam – Assistant Professor of TSM Madurai Winning the Best Paper of the Track Award from INDAM 6th Biennial Conference. His Paper titled “A Study on Interviewer Bias among HR Professionals” won the Category among various other meritorious research paper submissions. Congratulations to Dr. Sivapragasam for consistently setting higher benchmarks in TSM’s research focus.


    Top Cited Paper – CSREM – Wiley

    Dr. Ramesh Kumar paper on Corporate Social Responsibility titled “Consumer’s response to CSR activities: mediating role of brand image and brand attitude” has been recognized as a top cited paper in the Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental management journal of Wiley Publishers


    Top Cited Paper – CSREM – Wiley

    Dr. Goswami’s paper on Corporate Social Responsibility titled “Consumer’s response to CSR activities: mediating role of brand image and brand attitude” has been recognized as a top cited paper in the Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental management journal of Wiley Publishers


    Honorary Membership Rosalind Member of London Journals Press

    Dr. Dona Ghosh


    London Journals Press


    Best paper award – Faculty Track

    Dr. Sivapragasam


    SIMSARC20: SIMS Conference


    Best paper award – SIP Track

    Dr. Sivapragasam


    SIMSARC20: SIMS Conference


    Most Downloded paper ward

    Dr. Balaji Subramanian


    Wilay Online Library.


    Most Downloded paper ward

    Dr. Sushoban Goswami


    Wilay Online Library.


    Best Professor in Human Resources Management

    Dr. Sivapragasam


    Asia Pacific HRM Congress


    Top 2% Researcher

    Dr. Murali Sambasivam


    World Scientist and University Rankings


    AD Ranking for Scientist

    Dr. Mathiyazan Kaliyan


    World Scientist and University Rankings


    Women of Excellence Award

    Dr. M. Selvalakshmi


    Dindigul District HR Foundation


    Women of Excellence Award

    Dr. P. Mutharasi


    Dindigul District HR Foundation


    Women of Excellence Award

    Dr. Manjula N


    Dindigul District HR Foundation



    Low, Y. M., Sambasivan, M., & Ho, J. A. (2021). Impact of abusive supervision on counterproductive work behaviors of nurses. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 59(2), 250-278. https://doi.org/doi:10.1111/1744-7941.12234

    Chan, W. L., Ho, J. A., Sambasivan, M., & Ng, S. I. (2019). Antecedents and outcome of job embeddedness: Evidence from four and five-star hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83, 37-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.04.011

    Lin, W. L., Law, S. H., Ho, J. A., & Sambasivan, M. (2019). The causality direction of the corporate social responsibility–Corporate financial performance Nexus: Application of Panel Vector Autoregression approach. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 48, 401-418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.najef.2019.03.004

    Aw, E. C. X., Basha, N. K., Ng, S. I., & Sambasivan, M. (2019). To grab or not to grab? The role of trust and perceived value in on-demand ridesharing services. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-09-2018-0368

    Mostafiz, M. I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S. K. (2019). The antecedents and the outcomes of foreign market knowledge accumulation–the dynamic managerial capability perspective. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-09-2018-0263

    Mostafiz, M. I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S. K. (2019). Impacts of dynamic managerial capability and international opportunity identification on firm performance. Impacts of dynamic managerial capability and international opportunity identification on firm performance, 27, 339-363. https://doi.org/10.1108/MBR-09-2018-0061

    Mostafiz, M. I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S. K. (2019). Measurement scale of international opportunity identification in early internationalization firms. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJBA-10-2018-0179

    Mostafiz, M. I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S. K. (2019). Psychometric evaluation of dynamic managerial capability scale in the context of early internationalizing firms from an emerging economy. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 11(4), 371-386. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJBA-06-2019-0140

    Lin, W. L., Sambasivan, M., Ho, J. A., & Law, S. H. (2019). Corporate Political Activity and Financial Performance: A Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective (Vol. 26, pp. 235-264). Emerald Publishing Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1571-038620190000026012.

    Ramesh, K., Saha, R., Goswami, S., & Dahiya, R. (2019). Consumer’s response to CSR activities: Mediating role of brand image and brand attitude. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(2), 377-387. https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1689

    Murugan, N., & Jacob, J. (2019). A brand view on the user acceptance of mobile apps: an evidence from India in the multi-channel context. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 10(2), 95-117. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEMR.2019.098748

    Singh, S. H., Bhowmick, B., Eesley, D., & Sindhav, B. (2019). Grassroots innovation and entrepreneurial success: Is entrepreneurial orientation a missing link?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 119582. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2019.02.002

    Hota, P. K., Subramanian, B., & Narayanamurthy, G. (2019). Mapping the intellectual structure of social entrepreneurship research: A citation/co-citation analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-019-04129-4

    Maradana, R. P., Pradhan, R. P., Dash, S., Zaki, D. B., Gaurav, K., Jayakumar, M., & Sarangi, A. K. (2019). Innovation and economic growth in European Economic Area countries: The Granger causality approach. IIMB Management Review, 31(3), 268-282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iimb.2019.03.002

    Balakrishnan, J., & Foroudi, P. (2019). Does corporate reputation matter? Role of social media in consumer intention to purchase innovative food product. Corporate Reputation Review, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41299-019-00078-w

    Singh, S. H., Maiyar, L. M., & Bhowmick, B. (2020). Assessing the appropriate grassroots technological innovation for sustainable development. Technology analysis & strategic management, 32(2), 175-194. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2019.1646420

    Arshinder, K., & Balaji, M. (2019). Understanding the models of Indian fruit and vegetable supply chains-a case study approach. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 15(4), 307-322. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJARGE.2019.104196

    Kumar, R., Saha, R., PC, S., & Dahiya, R. (2019). Examining the role of external factors in influencing green behaviour among young Indian consumers. Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers, 20(4), 380-398. https://doi.org/10.1108/YC-12-2018-0921

    Singh, S. H., Bhowmick, B., Sindhav, B., & Eesley, D. (2020). Determinants of grassroots innovation: an empirical study in the Indian context. Innovation, 22(3), 270-289. https://doi.org/10.1080/14479338.2019.1685887

    Balakrishnan, J., & Griffiths, M. D. (2019). Perceived addictiveness of smartphone games: A content analysis of game reviews by players. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 17(4), 922-934. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-018-9897-5


    Senthil, V., & Goswami, S. (2020, December). An Exploratory Study of Twitter Sentiment Analysis During COVID-19:# TravelTomorrow and# UNWTO. In International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT (pp. 487-498). Springer, Cham.

    Lin, W. L., Yip, N., Ho, J. A., & Sambasivan, M. (2020). The adoption of technological innovations in a B2B context and its impact on firm performance: An ethical leadership perspective. Industrial Marketing Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2019.12.009

    Lin, W. L., Mohamed, A. B., Sambasivan, M., & Yip, N. (2020). Effect of green innovation strategy on firm‐idiosyncratic risk: A competitive action perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(3), 886-901. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2405

    Sekar, G., Sambasivan, M., & Viswanathan, K. (2020). Does size of construction firms matter? Impact of project-factors and organization-factors on project performance. Built Environment Project and Asset Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/BEPAM-07-2020-0118

    Mostafiz, M. I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S. K. (2020). Foreign market knowledge, international opportunity recognition and the performance of export manufacturing firms. Strategic Change. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsc.2323 

    Mostafiz, M. I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S. K. (2020). The performance of export manufacturing firms: roles of international entrepreneurial capability and international opportunity recognition. International Journal of Emerging Markets. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-09-2019-0732

    Narayanan, S., Nadarajah, D., Sambasivan, M., & Ho, J. A. (2020). Antecedents and outcomes of the knowledge management process (KMP) in Malaysian SMEs. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/08276331.2020.1818540

    Dixit, S. K., Sambasivan, M., & Islam, S. M. Multiperspective Public Healthcare Services Organization. Springer Nature, Switzerland AG 2020

    Hossain, M. S., Sambasivan, M., Abuelhassan, A. E., & Khalifa, G. S. A. (2020). Factors influencing customer citizenship behaviour in the hospitality industry. Annals of Leisure Research, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/11745398.2020.1850302

    Patel, B. S., Tiwari, A. K., Kumar, M., Samuel, C., & Sutar, G. (2020). Analysis of agile supply chain enablers for an Indian manufacturing organisation. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 13(1), 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJASM.2020.105864

    Chopdar, P. K., & Balakrishnan, J. (2020). Consumers response towards mobile commerce applications: SOR approach. International Journal of Information Management, 53, 102106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102106

    Chatterjee, D., Subramanian, B., & Hota, P. K. (2020). Professionalization and Hybridization Dynamics of Social Enterprises. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 31(3), 457-471. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11266-020-00217-6

    Singh Patel, B., Samuel, C. & Sutar, G. (2020), “Designing of an agility control system: a case of an Indian manufacturing organization”, Journal of Modelling in Management, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 1591-1612. https://doi.org/10.1108/JM2-08-2019-0206

    Lytras, M. D., Visvizi, A., Chopdar, P. K., Sarirete, A., & Alhalabi, W. (2021). Information Management in Smart Cities: Turning end users’ views into multi-item scale development, validation, and policy-making recommendations. International Journal of Information Management, 56, 102146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102146

    Selvalakshmi, M., Verma, H., & Jain, N. (2020). Emergence of Indian Film Industry in the International Markets: Facilitators and Impeders. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 11(3), 32-44. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJABIM.2020070103

    Balakrishnan, J., & Goswami, S. (2020). Sharing YouTube content in offline mode: an attempt to explore conversation through an experimental study. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 24(2-3), 154-171. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEIM.2020.105780

    Kumar, J. R., Saha, R., Manohar, S., & Sekar, P. C. (2020). Retail brand equity: moderating role of retail price deals on retail brand association and retail brand equity relationship. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 21(2), 217-237. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBIR.2020.104815

    Dash, S., Pradhan, R. P., Maradana, R. P., Gaurav, K., & Jayakumar, M. (2020). Impact of banking sector development on insurance market-growth nexus: the study of Eurozone countries. Empirica, 47(2), 205-243. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10663-018-9412-z

    Ghosh, D., & Sengupta, J. (2020). Medical intervention before death of elderly in India: An inquiry into gender‐based difference. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 35(6), 1371-1383. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpm.3014

    Senthil, V., & Goswami, S. (2020, December). An Exploratory Study of Twitter Sentiment Analysis During COVID-19:# TravelTomorrow and# UNWTO. In International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT (pp. 487-498). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64861-9_43

    Prabaharan, M., & Selvalakshmi, M. (2020, December). Customers Interest in Buying an Electric Car: An Analysis of the Indian Market. In International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT (pp. 493-509). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64849-7_44

    Ghosh, D., Sengupta, J., & Tiwari, A. K. (2020). Revisiting the Role of Gender in Health Taxonomy: Evidence from the Elderly in India. Advances in Decision Sciences, 24(2), 1-29.


    Senthil, V., & Goswami, S. (2021). Can Spiritual Tourism in India be Marketed Properly? Learnings from an Analysis of Twitter. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 9(5), 6.

    Lin, W. L., Ho, J. A., Sambasivan, M., Yip, N., & Mohamed, A. B. (2021). Influence of green innovation strategy on brand value: The role of marketing capability and R&D intensity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change171, 120946.

    Mostafiz, M. I., Hughes, M., & Sambasivan, M. (2021). Entrepreneurial orientation, competitive advantage and strategic knowledge management capability in Malaysian family firms. Journal of Knowledge Management.

    Patel, B. S., & Sambasivan, M. (2021). A systematic review of the literature on supply chain agility. Management Research Review.

    Mostafiz, M. I., Sambasivan, M., Goh, S. K., & Ahmad, P. (2021). Configuring foreign market knowledge and opportunity recognition capabilities to predict the performance of export-manufacturing firms. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1-15.

    Ng, S. I., Cha, C., Sambasivan, M., & Abd Rahman, A. (2021). Lean production system: compatible with Malaysian culture?. The CASE Journal.

    Mostafiz, M. I., Sambasivan, M., Goh, S. K., & Shakil, M. H. (2021). The Mediating Role of Innovation Capabilities in the Relationship between Dynamic Managerial Capability and Performance of Export-manufacturing Firms. International Review of Entrepreneurship.

    Patel, B. S., Sambasivan, M., Panimalar, R., & Krishna, R. H. (2021). A relational analysis of drivers and barriers of lean manufacturing. The TQM Journal.

    Low, Y. M., Sambasivan, M., & Ho, J. A. (2021). Impact of abusive supervision on counterproductive work behaviors of nurses. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources59(2), 250-278.

    Dorai, S., Balasubramanian, N., & Sivakumaran, B. (2021). Enhancing relationships in e-tail: role of relationship quality and duration. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 58, 102293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102293

    Mostafiz, M. I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S. K. (2021). Antecedents and consequences of market orientation in international B2B market: role of export assistance as a moderator. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-09-2019-0411

    Mostafiz, M. I., Sambasivan, M., Goh, S. K., & Ahmed, P. (2021). Configuring Foreign Market Knowledge and Opportunity Recognition Capabilities to Predict the Performance of Export-Manufacturing Firms. Knowledge Management Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/14778238.2021.1919573

    Kularajasingam, J., Subramaniam, A., Sarjit Singh, D. K., & Sambasivan, M. (2021). The impact of knowledge sharing behaviour and social intelligence of university academics on their performance: The mediating role of competencies. Journal of Education for Business, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/08832323.2021.1887794

    Santhanam, N., Kumar, J. R., Kumar, V., & Saha, R. (2021). Employee turnover intention in the milieu of human resource management practices: moderating role of work-life balance. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 24(1), 57-75. https://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJBIR.2021.111979

    Villari, B. C., Subramanian, B., Kumar, P., & Hota, P. K. (2021). Do Firm Growth Models Work in Service Industries in Developing Economies? An Investigation of the Relationship Between Firms’ Growth, Size and Age. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 0260107921989912. https://doi.org/10.1177/0260107921989912

    Rose, S., Gopal, P. R. C., & Arputham, R. M. (2021). Operational efficiency of tow trucks: a case based evidence from an Indian automobile manufacturer. Journal of Facilities Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/JFM-08-2020-0050

    Selvalakshmi, M., Suresh, V., & Kolluru, M. (2021). Pedagogy innovation for management graduates: application of design thinking. International Journal of Innovation Science. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJIS-10-2020-0188

    Dhalmahapatra, K., Maiti, J., & Krishna, O. B. (2021). Assessment of virtual reality based safety training simulator for electric overhead crane operations. Safety Science, 139, 105241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105241

    Anandh, G., PrasannaVenkatesan, S., Goh, M., & Mathiyazhagan, K. (2021). Reuse assessment of WEEE: Systematic review of emerging themes and research directions. Journal of Environmental Management, 287, 112335. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112335

    Krishnan, S., Gupta, S., Kaliyan, M., Kumar, V., & Garza-Reyes, J. A. (2021). Assessing the key enablers for Industry 4.0 adoption using MICMAC analysis: a case study. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPPM-02-2020-0053

    Goel, P., Sharma, N., Mathiyazhagan, K., & Vimal, K. E. K. (2021). Government is trying but consumers are not buying: A barrier analysis for electric vehicle sales in India. Sustainable Production and Consumption. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2021.03.029


    Ahmed, F., Mohanta, J.C., Keshari, A. et al. Recent Advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Review. Arab J Sci Eng 47, 7963–7984 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06738-0

    Ramachandran, D., Keshari, A., Tiwari, M.K. (2023). Contract Price Negotiation Using an AI-Based Chatbot. In: Tiwari, M.K., Kumar, M.R., T. M., R., Mitra, R. (eds) Applications of Emerging Technologies and AI/ML Algorithms. ICDAPS 2022. Asset Analytics. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-1019-9_27

    AI-Powered Cyberinfrastructure Platform for Modular Electric Vehicle Product Design: Conceptual framework and architecture, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 55, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 400-405, ISSN 2405-8963, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.426.

    Venkatachalam, A., & Nalini, G. S. (2022). Valuation of Top Three FMCG Companies in India. Indian Journal of Finance16(7), 57-70. 10.17010/ijf/2022/v16i7/170654

    Nalini, G. S., & Paldon, T. (2022). Investment Decision Using Capital Asset Pricing Model. Emerging Economies Cases Journal4(1), 44–48. https://doi.org/10.1177/25166042221115240

    Sutar, G., Dhalmahapatra, K. & Chakraborty, S. Impact of India’s Demonetization Episode on its Equity Markets. Asia-Pac Financ Markets (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10690-022-09392-6

    Sutar, G., Dhalmahapatra, K., & Chakraborty, S. (2022). Coupling Coordination Degree Among Indian Banking and Auto Sectors, DII and FII: An Empirical Investigation. IUP Journal of Applied Economics21(4), 43-58. https://www.proquest.com/openview/90ea4fe67d2e9ea294bd86878e78a898/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=54441

    Ghosh, D. (2022), “Evaluating inconsistency in health responses: evidence from elderly in India”, Working with Older People, Vol. 26 No. 4, pp. 258-274. https://doi.org/10.1108/WWOP-05-2021-0023

    Ghosh, D. (2022). 10 Does India Have Sufficient Data to Understand the Need for Eldercare?. Eldercare Issues in China and India. eBook ISBN9781003254256

    Ghosh, D. . (2022). Social Gradient in Physical Mobility: An Investigation Among the Older Population in India. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS]30, 508–527. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jpss/article/view/259338

    Ghosh, D., & Bhattacharyya, C. (2022). INTERFERENCE OF ABORTION LAW ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND FERTILITY RATE OF WOMEN. Indian Journal of Finance and Banking12(1), 9-18. https://doi.org/10.46281/ijfb.v12i1.1886

    Ghosh, D., & Jena, L. K. (2022). Upcoming need of geriatric healthcare: An investigation in India. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol28(04). 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.04.162

    Saravanan, & Narend Subramanian. (2022, Feb 08). Budget boosters: How hike in capex translates to investor benefits. Retrieved from Financial Express: https://www.financialexpress.com/budget/budget-boosters-how-hike-in-capex-translates-to-investor-benefits-2427883/

    WAJAHAT AZMINAREND SUBRAMANIAN. (8 Dec 2022), Trying to make sense of Bitcoin valuation, Business Line, https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/trying-to-make-sense-of-bitcoin-valuation/article66239998.ece

    Nagarajan, M., Saha, R., Kumar, R., & Sathasivam, D. (2022). Impact of peer influence and environmental knowledge on green consumption: Moderated by price premium. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD)13(6), 1-16. DOI: 10.4018/IJSESD.292039

    Sakshi, Saha, R., Kumar, J. R., & Bansal, H. (2022). Preparing for takeoff: set up social media for travel planning. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research28(1), 43-59. http://www.inderscience.com/link.php?id=122974 

    Balamurugan, S., Selvalakshmi, M., & Palanivelrajan, M. (2022). Leveraging Big Data for Digital Marketing. Big Data: A Road Map for Successful Digital Marketing, 133. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110733716

    Selvalakshmi M, Suresh, V., & Kolluru, M. (2022). Pedagogy innovation for management graduates: application of design thinking. International Journal of Innovation Science14(3/4), 659-674. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJIS-10-2020-0188

    Selvalakshmi, M., & Kabila, R. M. (2022). Reconfiguration of the Indian Film Industry During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Enablers and the Impeders. In Handbook of Research on Developing Circular, Digital, and Green Economies in Asia (pp. 197-206). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8678-5.ch011

    Veerasamy, S., & Goswami, S. (2022). Is Online Learning Better than Offline Learning?. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology18(2), 177-190.

    Azmi, W., Anwer, Z., Ali, M., & Mohamad, S. (2022). Competition, stability, and institutional environment: The case of dual banking economies. International Journal of Finance & Economics. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijfe.2700

    Ali, M., Alam, N., Khattak, M. A., & Azmi, W. (2022). Bank Risk-Taking and Legal Origin: What Do We Know about Dual Banking Economies?. Journal of Risk and Financial Management15(5), 224. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm15050224

    Anwer, Z., Mohamad, S., Azmi, W., & Shavkatovich Hasanov, A. (2022). Product market fluidity and religious constraints: evidence from the US market. Accounting & Finance62, 1761-1817. https://doi.org/10.1111/acfi.12839

    Dr. Ridhi Rani*, Ms. Sadhana Singh, Mr.Ved Srinivas, KDV Prasad, Dr A Jagan Mohan Reddy & Dr. Anita Sable. (2022). Role of ICT in Management Education – Enhancing Quality of Education and a Better Conduit of Learning. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems28(11), 1162–1175. Retrieved from http://cims-journal.com/index.php/CN/article/view/318

    S. G. Rao, R. RamBabu, B. S. A. Kumar, V. Srinivas and P. V. Rao, “Detection of Traffic Congestion from Surveillance Videos using Machine Learning Techniques,” 2022 Sixth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), Dharan, Nepal, 2022, pp. 572-579, doi: 10.1109/I-SMAC55078.2022.9987342.

    Srinivas, V., Rani, R., & Reddy, A. J. M. (2022). Role of B-Schools in enhancing learnability and employability. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol28(04).

    Prasad, K., Mookerjee, R., Rani, R., & Srinivas, V. (2022). Student stress and its association with student performance and psychological well-being: an empirical study on higher academic education students in and around Hyderabad metro. International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof. Bus. Rev.7(5), 17. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=8955793

    S. G. Rao, R. RamBabu, B. S. A. Kumar, V. Srinivas and P. V. Rao, “Detection of Traffic Congestion from Surveillance Videos using Machine Learning Techniques,” 2022 Sixth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), Dharan, Nepal, 2022, pp. 572-579, doi: 10.1109/I-SMAC55078.2022.9987342.

    Balasubramanian, N. and Balaji, M. (2022), “Organisational sustainability scale-measuring employees’ perception on sustainability of organisation”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 245-262. https://doi.org/10.1108/MBE-06-2020-0093

    Goswami, S., & Balasubramanian, N. (2022). Demystifying the Antecedents of Brand Advocacy: Mediating the Role of Brand Love and Brand Passion. Indian Journal of Marketing52(8), 26-40. 10.17010/ijom/2022/v52/i8/171222

    Balasubramanian, N., Nandakumar, N., & Gouthamraj, M. P. Purchase Intention of IoT Enabled Smart Hotels Rooms among Young Adults-Insights from Machine Learning Algorithm and Sentiment Analysis. TSM BUSINESS REVIEW, 1.

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