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    Institution Rankings: What does it mean to a MBA/PGDM student?

    20 Jan 2021 Author Name : TSM

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    An MBA/PGDM aspirant usually has one major goal – to have a thriving career. However in order to reach this goal he/she must first select an institution which will equip him/her with the necessary knowledge and skills to survive in the corporate world. One of the major factors in deciding an Institution is its ranking.

    Institution ranking plays a vital role as the employers are most likely to choose a student from a high ranked institution and offer them a better salary. We often see many students preparing for entrance exams for their dream institution and they value the Institution ranking the most. However, if an Institution ranks higher it may not fit everyone based on their needs. Many people value different things. So it is better that you be focused on what you want and do research based on your interest. The ranking should be just one of the factors to consider when it comes to choosing an Institution; it should not be given the highest priority because an institution can also be ranked according to a particular specialization. For example, if a highly ranked institution does a good job training students in finance, it may not be a good fit for someone who is interested in marketing. Therefore, a person who joined the institution just based on the ranking may not get the training he/she desired.

    So apart from Institution ranking, there are also many factors to consider while choosing an Institution such as:

    Specialization Importance

    Everyone will have their own choice of specialization where they want their career whether it is marketing or HR or Finance etc. So while choosing an Institution you need to keep in mind how well that Institution teaches or develops the skills in the specialization which you have chosen. Some institutions even have dual degree systems which is an added advantage. Many new specializations are also being offered. You should consider this as a priority as this chooses your future career


    A good faculty can help you transform into an individual who is capable of doing great things. So while choosing an Institution, make sure you check out the faculties’ expertise in their respective field.


    A good Institution must have good classrooms, good library, resource centres like laboratory etc.

    This should also be considered while choosing an Institution. 

    So while choosing an Institution for your MBA/PGDM give importance to the ranking, as well as the above mentioned factors and choose wisely. Check the accreditation of higher education from NAAC and NBA for that Institution. For some of you, this will be the last formal education you go through in your life and some of you may have borrowed student loans for your education. So make sure you give it your best, study well, develop skills and be job ready by the end of your course.

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